Chapter 4. Customization

Table of Contents

Using XSL Parameters
Setting Command line Parameters
Using Processing Instructions
XSL User Stylesheet
Changing the XSL parameter values
Overriding some templates
Customized LaTeX style
Reusing an existing LaTeX style
Package options
Needed packages
DocBook interface
Debugging your Style
Latex post process script
Post latex compilations
Post processing with a Python Plugin
Dblatex Configuration File
XML Configuration File Format
Deprecated Text Configuration File Format
Configuration Paths
Customization Precedence

The transformation process (and thus the output rendering) can be heavily customized by:

All these customization methods can be used independently and in exceptional cases, but it can also be combined and registered in a master configuration file, called a specification file (cf. the section called “Dblatex Configuration File”) to create a new tool dedicated to your needs.

Using XSL Parameters

The PDF rendering can be customised by using some XSL configuration parameters. Appendix A, Dblatex XSL Parameter Reference contains the reference documentation of the available user-configurable parameters.